# 50 of a Series of 50
∞∞∞ What does Antique Furniture and Recycling have in common?

Acres of tree cut down
When it comes to wood, well, up to the 20th Century trees where plentiful, but since then, we’ve been cutting them down faster than they can grow.
The industrial revolution changed the way we make furniture modernization, assembly lines machine-made products, faster, let’s use more.
Quantity and not quality was the thinking [and that’s not all a bad thing]
Recycling some of that old furniture,( heritage, history) makes a lot of sense in many ways.
Recycling old furniture makes a lot of sense.
Century-old furniture, in most cases, would still be good for another 100 years if they weren’t being discarded, thrown out and in some cases, just because we need a change.
With a little imagination, you can save many destined pieces of furniture from an unworthy demise and you are doing your part with the carbon imprint problem and overfilling of the landfill.
Breathe new life into something that was built to last, from hard-working, caring people.
If you are a true blue recycler then consider what it takes to make new furniture, the imprint it makes … needlessly.
Take the survey and get paid for doing it, “Shoppers Voice”
Some companies just mash up a perfectly good piece of wood.
Just one furniture company and we’re only talking one, uses 1% of all the global wood a year, mashes the wood up just to make particle board, and that’s how they make their line of furniture.
[Real Wood vs. Particle Board] ??? Google. Particleboard for more info.
Trees aren’t getting big enough before they are harvested and the lumber is getting smaller, so they have to find creative ways to do the same with less.

trees cut down
This BLURP is not about the industrial revolution, but recycling items from the past with history & personality, and let’s not forget [in most cases quality]
Its not about modern furniture.
I’m not talking about furnishing your whole place of residence with the old/new refurbished furnishings but if everybody considered a few pieces, it would make a big difference.
With all the colors of the rainbow [paints, stains] at your disposal, with love, care, pride, and imagination, you will end up with a fine piece of furniture that you saved …. And that’s what they call–
Never forget the money factor…..check prices online for the item you’re looking for, …. a small (student) secretary desk …. curio cabinets, etc and bonus, you would pay a fraction of the cost compared to a newly made of press-board,

skids made into furniture
If you have never considered antiquing before, you might be pleasantly surprised how reasonably priced good old solid furniture is worth.
Please check Reno these sites … Refurbished Furniture … there’s truly a lot of good ideas how to decorate your home with some older furniture that are some cases pieces of “ ARTWORK”
Let your imagination flow.
Check out your local ..Antique Markets, Estate Auction, Downsizing Sales Auctions, Garage Sales etc.
Remember antiques older furniture have History, Personality and some have good stories to tell V/S Machine-made, NO personality & NO history
I’m not an expert by any means, but we all are trying to do our part …Right.