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We are called auction junkies, buyers, and sellers of antiques and collectibles, barn finds connoisseurs. I’m always looking, with my head turning this way and that. My neck gets sore just thinking about it, but, “We all have seen that type of person,” these people never sit still. “THAT’S ME”. And being that type of a person, it sure comes in handy when you’re looking for things to …purchase. Trust me we find these “Barn find” I call them in the most unexpected places.
Take for example —
Every spring after the Detroit Michigan new Car showing it comes here to Canada. The biggest new car show is at the Metro Toronto Convention Center, Toronto, Canada. Having said that, every spring we have every intention to go, but lately, have you seen the traffic going in and out of the Toronto area? It’s every bit as bad as described on the news. Bedlam.
So sorry, maybe I will go next year.
The latest Via Rail advertisement states “take a train and leave the driving to us.” Not a bad idea. It takes you downtown and stops two blocks from the car show. With a short walk, before you know it, you’re signing on the dotted line for a new car. But it’s not the car show I’m advertising and I’m not advertising Via Rail train service.
It’s where you find treasures to buy in the strangest unexpected places.
I’m sitting in the passenger lounge on the train and off we go. I had to arm wrestle this big burly dude just for the window seat and I told this guy, “I have to see what’s happening outside these windows.” I must have looked like a kid in a candy store, nose to the glass.
The first thing I’m starting to notice is that we are going behind everyone’s back yard. Yeah, it’s simple for some folks that take the Go-Train to work every day, but I haven’t been on one of these things for years. This is a good place to find my BARN FIND . . . did you know they even serve refreshment on the train? … I have to get out more.
Being as observant as I think I am, the next thing I notice is this old Willy’s Coupe, (That’s an old and collectible car) just sitting there, close to the tracks with no cover, just sitting there and hopefully, maybe, forgotten Eh!
The train is moving down the tracks fairly quickly at this point and as I look out, I can’t even get my bearings. I don’t even know where I am, and then up come more treasures in this guy’s back yard. Another one and I’m thinking where is my GPS? I have to mark that co-ordinate down so I can come back at a different time, let’s say, from the front side.
So, where to find good things to buy, well not necessarily in Barns “ But in everyone’s back yard.”
Who would think or maybe give it a second thought that behind everyone’s property, people just park, store or even hide their items? In the end, they just can’t be bothered moving the stuff. Years might go by and these articles are still just sitting there, untouched. Most people I believe are borderline hoarders, the more room you have, the more you stock up on . . . whatever?
Most people I believe are borderline hoarders.
When buying a house, you pay large dollars for a detached house and garage just to store your items, and just to
forget about them. You bury them in the back corner, put some more boxes on top with more things on top of them,… Just so you can work your way – out, — -to the front door.
Do like everybody else, close the door and forget about it until the “Canadian Pickers” show up at your door Eh!
Your beautiful brand new car you just bought at the Toronto Car Show, sits outside in the weather, (because your garage is too full off)?
So, as this post is about all the treasure to be found in everyone’s back yard, one day, you will see me sitting there, on a go-train going somewhere with my nose to the window, and my GPS locked and loaded. Bring on those treasures!
I’m thinking to myself, ” Just let me loose in some of those garages”.
All the stories you hear are true, there are gold and treasures to be found in abandoned barns, garages, storage sheds, and anyplace people can hide things to then forget about them. We are all by nature hoarders, SO, just let me loose. Check out this link to a Harley Davidson I just found, a garage find and not a “BARN FIND” … same but different
Note, if you don’t like train rides, take a walkabout on old abandoned rail lines in your city. Most are all made into beautiful walking trails, “CHECK out the back yards!”
Construction workers and landscapers know that sometimes while working on a new project, a lot of difficult things can get in the way of completing a job. One Toronto man knew this to be true when he was digging in the backyard of a family who hired him to do some landscaping in the backyard. As he was digging, he found what he thought was a pipe. He kicked the pipe at first, but after digging more, he realized it was actually a WWII-era bomb. The man dug up the bomb and drove it to a local police station, ONLY IN CANADA.
Check this post link on Car Clubs and are they on their way out.
∞ ∞ Check out my new post on Wednesday “#1 On My List Of Hoarders Could Be Farmers“, maybe that’s where the term comes from, BARN FIND or maybe it’s just a good place to buy an unusual thing.
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