Is Canada at war? NO! but Canada should have declared war on these 600 wildfires in British Columbia, Canada. These fires are plaguing one of Canada’s most heavily wooded provinces in our country. Our Prime Minister should call it for what it is, a natural disaster of epic proportion. We should use everything, and I mean everything at our disposal to control this devastating event.
Declare war on these 600 wildfires IN B.C., well, maybe that’s going too far, but “State of Emergency” YES.
In my estimation, the federal government took far too long to send in extra help from our Armed Forces. The feds. should have declared “A state of Emergency” much sooner to fight these out of control forest fires. We all know that fires are unpredictable and dangerous.

construction equipment on the flat car
Major hectares (acres) are burning by the hour and everybody is waiting for paperwork to be shuffled from one desk to the other. Bureaucratic Diplomacy, that’s what they call it.
By the time the extra help arrived,
∞ thousands of acres had been destroyed.
∞ 18,000 people affected.
∞ Wildlife just, “gone”.
Just in case anybody is watching, time is of the essence. The fire and smoke are now crossing borders and still out of control. Last time I checked the smoke has reached approximately 3300 kilometers east.
By law, the government declaring the emergency has the authority to direct any and all resources at their deposal to put this catastrophic fire out, “including manpower”.

Heavy equipment on a rail car
When the State of Emergency is declared?
- In some cases, conscript citizens to help with efforts to manage the emergency
- In others, to authorize qualified citizens to assist in emergency management efforts
- Confiscate equipment and property that will assist in emergency management
- Make goods and resources available for distribution to those areas impacted

Honda Water Pump Ad
Round up every able body, heavy piece of equipment, high pleasure water pumps, anything and everything. Bring them from across Canada and lets put out that fire. BC has approximately 20,000 lakes and that’s a lot of water, and we have a lot of water pumps. Drain all those lakes if you have to.
Everybody’s health is at risk from the smoke.
The smoke is now going global, and the long-term damage it will have on the health and welfare of all Canadians breathing these fumes will be second to none.
Undoubtedly the extra cost in finding and moving this equipment from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean would be great. But it would justify the long-term problems that a lot of Canadians will inherit inhaling all this smoke from these fires.
Put this fire out.

high-pressure commercial water pumps
These water bombers and all the aircraft equipment are tirelessly working day and night to put out these fires. I haven’t read anywhere that the water being dumped on these fires may, in fact, be evaporated before it even hits the fire. Which means, we need more of something to help with these fires.
As with most forest fires, you see a form of fire retardant is being used by the aircraft, which is on its own is not a good environment alternative.
Get more bodies and equipment to that Province and put that fire out!
Through all fairness, the B.C government has brought in many firefighters and equipment from around the globe, but they are still losing this fire.
If my posting is not correct, please go to this link.