With and without motorcycle helmets
Question, is wearing motorcycle helmets the law in Canada?
. . . The answer to the Canada’s Helmet Law is, yes! . . . IN MOST PART? The law was, when riding your motorcycle on a public highway, helmets were mandatory and yes even if you’re under the age of 18 and riding a tricycle. You have to abide by the law. . . “Wear a helmet”
∞ Wearing motorcycle helmets is the law in Canada? ∞
The helmet law was implemented in Canada under the “Traffic Safety Act” in the early 60s. Dr. Eric Kung, a neurologist at Stamford Hospital specializing in head injuries. “Motorcycle accidents are the most common causes of traumatic brain injury,” and or death. Wearing helmets when riding would drastically reduce the force of impact on the brain and skull he said.
Behind the scenes (which means they don’t talk about it), there is the extravagant cost load to the health care system due to such injuries, and they are considered preventable accidents. That’s two good reasons why Canada has (had) the helmet law.
As per the article on Canada Helmet Law
Canada’s motorcycle helmet laws were easy to understand because they were fairly uniform across all 10 provinces and three territories: all operators and passengers on a motorcycle or motor-assisted bicycle must wear helmets at all times securely fastened under the chin. It is for our own health and welfare.
On listening to the national news, there was an article about the safety of wearing helmets and it led up to the story that some of the minority groups of our citizens are crying foul. They would like an exemption to the law, and the right not to wear helmets due to religious reasons, and it was, just “discriminatory” besides.
The groups in question can (as the story goes) wear a helmet as long as their head was covered but they chose not to because of the inconvenience of taking the head-gear on and off in a private setting. Inconvenience? Yes. “I understand”, but to change Canadian laws because it’s an “inconvenience” to the operator.?
That helmet law has been challenged and changed in 3 provinces and now, challenged and supposedly going to be changed by our new government in Ontario. The Sikhs minority are “now” allowed to ride their motorcycles without a helmet in the provinces of-
∞ British Columbia
∞ Manitoba
∞ Alberta
If our new Ontario government grants this group an exemption, then the rest of cyclists in Ontario should also be exempt from wearing the helmets by choice rather than by law.
“The health and safety issue doesn’t seem to be a valid argument anymore”.
The law change is grossly unfair to all Canadian Cyclists that are forced into wearing the helmet when some citizens do not.
∞ Now remember, the helmet law was introduced for our own safety

I’d love to go for a ride with you, but I never get on one of those things “WITHOUT A HELMET”
(HEAD INJURIES) and of course, the cost of overloading the health care system, due to head injuries. What was not mentioned was that the cyclist insurance rates will probably go up because of fatalities or injuries due to not wearing your helmet.
∞∞ “If our government persists on changing laws to appease the selected few and not for all Canadian citizens as a whole, then “how” can they expect equality in this country from its people if they themselves do not set the “example”. By, “NOT” treating all citizens equally, “Canada is”, part of the big problem” ∞∞
It is a choice to Ride or not to Ride and to abide by all rules and laws of the road, set down for the safety of all citizens of Canada, not the select few.
∞ This article is NOT about majority, minority OR choice of religions. It’s not even about the helmet law, it’s about equality for all, and I think . . . “This is at the root of our problems”, OR WILL BE. ∞
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