little HISTORY on Trench Art
Trench Art Collectibles are highly sot after and some people even think … “Decorative” and that, would be a good enough reason to start stocking up on some of these treasures.

Trench art figurine
This war art was made from used and discarded war materials and mostly by imaginative soldiers in trenches, POW’s camps or war casualties (hospitals) even the civilians had access to mounds of leftover war material. War Trench Art comes in many different shapes, sizes, and forms as you can see from the photos.

Shell casings were widely used. Bullets, Landmines, and mortars were easily made into some kind of brass art and for example, picture frames, ashtrays, paperweights, flower pots, candlestick holder, etc.
I would almost consider this a form of “Folk Art” being they were handmade from ordinary people.
Are, Trench Art Collectibles
Supposedly trench art started to be noticed as “future collectibles” during and after the 1st & 2nd world wars. The majority of Trench Art (as the story goes) were made because of pure BOREDOM. Some even say, soldiers made them as a MEMENTO of their time served in the war, or maybe their personal art could be just traded for much needed usable goods, like Food.
This phenomenon continued for many years after the war with civilians making their own form of trench art because like I said the abundant supply of leftover war material. “brass, copper and or steel”
This art is a little on the funky looking side and not for everybody’s taste, but most of these items do have a good, bad, or ugly story to tell by people that know firsthand what wars are really like.

Solders in trench WW 1
This article was based on a lot of independent information and I am just passing it on, however-
Making them as War MEMENTOS, I’m not sure I agree.
Google.ca “Trench Art” images
Pinterest.ca “trench art” https://www.pinterest.ca/search/pins/q=trench art&rs=typed&term_meta[]=trench|typed&term_meta[]=art|typed
∞ NOTE ∞
TRAMP art has a lot of similarity to trench art, where people made items from boredom and lots of discarded material.